Do you remember the good old days when marketing meant getting a flyer out or putting an ad in the newspaper? Conventional marketing methods had limited success rates, but at least they were simple.
Today we’ve got to deal with digital marketing as well. And, convenience aside, this is where things get confusing. Not only are there tons of options, but you also have to be concerned about cybersecurity. According to Hornetsecurity, one of the leading cybersecurity firms, cybercrime in 2018 resulted in losses of $445 billion.
So, while digital marketing seems relatively simple, there are a lot of factors that need to be considered. Do you try mobile marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, PPC advertising, and so on? How do you make sure the messages are secure? The list goes on and on – it’s extremely confusing.
That’s why, in this post, we’re going to dial things back a few notches. We’re going to focus on email marketing. It’s a digital marketing method, but it’s been around the block a few times. It’s earned its street cred and ties for second place with digital advertising as America’s favorite small business marketing tactics. See for yourself thanks to the chart that Statista put together. Here is the one email marketing hack to make you a superstar.
Why Email Marketing?
In the chart above, you’ll notice that social media marketing was favored by more than double the number of people that email marketing was. You might think that this is an indication that we should be using social media marketing instead.
Here’s why that would be a mistake:
- Social media is already cluttered. Everyone and their uncle is using social media
- With email marketing, you know who your message is getting delivered to. Social media these days is a lot more complicated. Your post has to be popular to appear in more feeds.
- Email marketing gives you a great chance to state your case. Once they’ve opened the email, you’ve got their full attention.
- It’s inexpensive, has significant reach, and can be completely customized.
Is Email Marketing Effective?
Now, there’s no denying that email open rates tend to be fairly dismal. Fortunately for you, there’s a lot that you can do to change that up. By carefully crafting each message, you’re able to effectively entice clients to open the emails.
But if you really want each mail to be a winner, there is one email marketing hack that will give you the advantage – segmenting your market.
What Is Market Segmentation?
Market segmentation is where you divide up your subscriber base into like customer groups. The criteria for every group is something you’ll need to decide according to what makes sense to you. You could, for example, create groups with mothers, single men, single men, people from the same area, or those in the same age group.
The reason to do so is simple – you’re creating a group that you know has similar needs. That way, when you create your next campaign, you’ll be creating a separate campaign for each group. You’ll be able to target your message a lot more effectively.
Not only does this increase the likelihood of them buying, but it also means that every email your client gets is relevant to them. You look like a rock star in their eyes, and your sales increase.